Our paper entitled Integrated Actuation and Sensing: Toward Intelligent Soft Robots has been highlighted as Annual Hot Paper of CBS ! Congrates to Shuai and Yuanhang. [Link]
Our paper Untethered Micro/Nanorobots for Remote Sensing: Toward Intelligent Platform, received over 10000+ foucs/accesses on Nano-Micro Letters!Top10 among all NML 2024 papers. [Link]
Qijun Yang, a 2023 master's student, received an HONORABLE MENTION in the Design Intelligence Award (DIA).
Dr. Wang has been elected as Associate Editors of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE)
Dr. Wang Joined The lnternational Journal of Extreme Manufacturing as Youth Editor入选《极端制造》青年编委。[极端制造][Extreme Manufacturing]
Our book entitled Collective Behavior of Magnetic Micro/Nanorobots: Control, Imaging, and Applications is online![Link]
Our paper entitled Untethered Micro/ Nanorobots for Remote Sensing: Towards Intelligent Platform has been published in Nano-Micro Letters.[Link]
Dr. Wang won the "Open Science Excellent Author Program" due to the high impact of our Advanced Intelligent Systems article. [Link]
In 2023, during the Teachers' Day celebration assembly, Teacher Wang delivered a speech as a representative of young teachers, sharing thoughts and insights on education and the teacher's mission.[Link]
Our Springer book entitled Magnetic Micro and Nanorobot Swarms: From Fundamentals to Applications is online! [Link]
Dr. Wang Won the MINE Outstanding Young Scientist Award(“MINE 2023优秀青年科学家奖”). [Link]
Our Science Advances paper "Ultrasound Doppler-Guided Real-Time Navigation of a Magnetic Microswarm for Active Endovascular Delivery" has been highlighted as "Hot Paper" (Top 0.1%)! [Link]