We are creating the future here


The Intelligent Small-Scale Robotics Lab (ISSR Lab) is affiliated with School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University (SEU), Nanjing, China. Founded by Dr. Qianqian Wang, the lab is dedicated to the interdisciplinary robotics research at small scales, ranging from fundamental science and physics to technologies and solutions for a series of applications. The primary research theme of ISSR Lab centered upon the development of intelligent small-scale robotic systems, including actuation and control strategies, autonomous systems, medical imaging-guided delivery systems, and in vitro/ex vivo/in vivo trials. Our team aims to investigate novel robotics solutions with a highly interest in both academic research and down-to-earth solution development, and we are always welcome worldwide collaborators to join our collaboration network.

Research Keywords: Small-scale robotics, micro/nanorobotics, magnetic control, micro/nanomanipulation, microrobotic swarm, collective behaviors, active targeted delivery, autonomous system, medical imaging.

[2025. 01] Our paper entitled Integrated Actuation and Sensing: Toward Intelligent Soft Robots has been highlighted as Annual Hot Paper of CBS!Congrates to Shuai and Yuanhang. [Link]

[2025. 01] Our paper Untethered Micro/Nanorobots for Remote Sensing: Toward Intelligent Platform, received over 10000+ foucs/accesses on Nano-Micro Letters!Top 10 among all NML 2024 papers.

[2024. 12] Qijun Yang, a 2023 master's student, received an HONORABLE MENTION in the Design Intelligence Award (DIA).

[2024. 11] Dr. Wang has been elected as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE).

[2024. 07] Our collabration work with Prof. Gaojun Teng (academician, CAS) and Prof. Yunfeng Rui (SEU Zhongda hospital) has been accpeted by Nano-Micro Letters(IF=31.6)! [NML] [SEUME] [人民日报]

[2024. 02]Our collabration work with CUHK, entitled Tracking and Navigation of a Microswarm Under LSCI for Targeted Delivery is published on Science Robotics and selected into Special Issue: Magnetic robots for medical application!

[2024. 02]Our paper entitled Model-Free Control of Magnetic Microrobotic Swarm for On-Demand Pattern Spreading has been published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Congrats to Xuanyu and co-authors!

[2024. 01]Dr. Wang Joined The lnternational Journal of Extreme Manufacturing as Youth Editor入选《极端制造》青年编委。
[极端制造] [Extreme Manufacturing]

[2023. 12]王老师在东南大学2023年第二期新教师入职培训典礼做题为“以青春之名赴时代之约”的发言。
[东南教师] [东南大学人事处]

[2023. 12] Professor Wang Qianqian was selected as a Young Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Mechanical Engineering !

[2023. 12] Our book entitled Collective Behavior of Magnetic Micro/Nanorobots: Control, Imaging, and Applications is online!

[2023. 12] 恭喜24届机械工程专业本科生张皓宇入选 “至善优选”!他将于 24 年秋季加入课题组,攻读博士学位。 [机械工程学院]

[2023. 11] Our paper entitled Untethered Micro/Nanorobots for Remote Sensing: Towards Intelligent Platform has been published in Nano-Micro Letters .

[2023. 11] Dr. Wang won the "Open Science Excellent Author Program" due to the high impact of our Advanced Intelligent Systems article [Link]
, which received more than 6,000 downloads in 3 months from worldwide researchers.

[2023. 09] 王老师于2023年教师节庆祝大会作为青年教师代表发言,分享了对教育和教师使命的思考和感悟。

[2023. 09] Our Springer book entitled Magnetic Micro and Nanorobot Swarms: From Fundamentals to Applications is online! This book is focused on the attractive emerging field of micro-/nanorobot swarms (microswarms). It introduces fundamental understandings of various microswarms and demonstrates applications of micro-/nanorobot swarms in different fields.

[2023. 08] Dr. Wang Won the MINE Outstanding Young Scientist Award(“MINE 2023优秀青年科学家奖”).

[2023. 03] Our Science Advances paper "Ultrasound Doppler-guided real-time navigation of a magnetic microswarm for active endovascular delivery" has been highlighted as "Hot Paper" (Top 0.1%)!

[2022. 11] Dr. Wang won the 1st Xiaomi Young Talents Program(首届“小米青年学者”).
[小米公益基金会] [东南大学教育基金会]